NFC ICP measurement run

In the years from 2014 to 2016, I initiated various experiments to measure intracranial pressure, which until then had only been done on an inpatient basis.
This was made possible by a telemetric ICP probe, which was implanted in my frontal brain and was only used in a clinical setting for other patients.

I organised train journeys that are still unique in the world today, which I presented here as ICE-ICP measurement journeys.
Here in the picture you can see me in front of such an ICP measuring run.

I also recorded series of measurements during several craniosacral treatments.
The controversial theory among doctors says that this type of therapy is intended to improve or at least change the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
The later evaluation of my series of measurements actually revealed a significant change in the ICP.

ICP = Intracranial Pressure.
Intracranial pressure, also known as intracranial pressure because the brain does not generate pressure, is a differential pressure measured in relation to the external atmospheric pressure.
Various other factors play a role here, such as the intra-abdominal pressure in the case of a VP shunt, which is drained distally into the sterile abdominal cavity …

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