Bilateral dysmorphia of the Auris externa

As already announced on my syllabus, a lesson in #anatomy and #embryology that doctors in Germany don’t learn.

But, where you can learn such things, at my online “university” in the States at, anyone can educate themselves, and there are even more offerings now.

Okay, I reported in the past about a diagnosis I made, which will soon appear again in a revised version at
It concerns a partial dysplasia of the forceps occipitalis major.

This is a part of the hindbrain that develops after unwinding from the neural tube.
Overall, several posterior cranial malformations can be described, the bony development followed this “altered blueprint”, whereby the proven ossification disorder of the sutures due to the formation of a premature synostosis, more precisely a unilateral lambdoidal synostosis with development of additional cranial plates (os. incae [incabeine]), this additional involvement may play a role in the various occipital malformations only partially described by me, but already fully diagnosed by me.
It is now known from embryology that the hindbrain develops in the phase in which the external auricle also forms bilaterally.

There are an infinite number of variations in this cartilage structure in particular, but they should follow a basic anatomy as shown in Figure 1.
Malformations of the outer ears, also in terms of their location, are regarded as the first indication of systemic syndromal events, but this was never recognised in my case, just as everything else was deliberately ignored from childhood onwards.
Doctors sometimes said that my ears looked different.

But, for the common #Dottore, this can of course also be brushed off with the #ICD-F disposal diagnostics, because I was probably just in a bad mood embryonically.
So that brings us to the easily visible abnormality, which will not be immediately recognisable to laypeople.

As you can see in picture 2, I am missing the bilateral juxtaposition of tragus and anti-tragus.
I named this structure “earplug attachment”.
And this very important anatomical feature for a comfortable audiophile experience via such adaptable earphones is denied to me, which is a serious impediment to enjoyment.

However, I would like to emphasise the positive aspect of this special anatomy, which suggests that it could be a further development of our species.
Because, when showering, the water immediately runs out of the ears.

Figures 3 and 4 show structures behind the outer ears that no one has yet been able to identify.
However, until an artificial CSF drain was installed, not only was the head and back pressure a thing of the past, but I also never had a clear fluid appearing behind my ears again, we can imagine, especially when the rest is considered, which I will report on later, that the genesis of this fluid could be clarified.

The last picture is an animation that I created to make it easier to understand how it should have developed congenitally to the end…

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